How to make your Power Point presentations more interesting.

At some point, we have all drifted off while someone presented their powerpoint slides. It's that awkward feeling of getting caught with your head in your lap. Sound familiar? Well, how confident are you that when it's your turn, your audience is wide awake? It isn't easy, presentation slides are often dull, primarily if they …

3 reasons you’re not getting the results you want from your marketing


If you are tweeting or sending emails without a purpose, you may find you are not getting the result you want. Consider these 3 pointers the next time you are wondering why your results are not what you are expecting. 1. Targeting Who is your target audience? Do you know them? What are they like? …

5 small changes you can make to help you become more successful at work

A number of us are working full-time and long working hours may contribute to feeling exhausted. When feeling strained, we are not working at our best, thus impacting our mood and overall health. If you are unable to cut down your working hours, try these small changes and watch them make a big difference. 1 …